On the VAG group with the 1.2/1.4/1.5Tsi engine you are now required to use the VAS 611007 setting tool when changing the cambelt
This tool fits into the rear off the camshafts and lets you set the cam timing to within accuracy of 3degres when replacing the cambelt
If you are having a cambelt replaced on a TSI engine or suffering Engine light after a cambelt replacement please check they have used this special tool
The device is attached to the rear off the camshafts

Once fitted the crankshaft is locked using a special locking tool
The cambelt kit is now changed and and camshaft are moved to specified positions and locked in place
Everything is now tightened and the engine is turned over and the alignment checked again

This car wanted -1.5 on the intake (Blue) and 0.9 on the exhaust (red) – you are allowed +/- 1.5Deg range, So we are 0.3 degrees out on the intake and 0.6 on the exhaust.